Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Both class articles.

 Note: If you remember I forgot about the rule that these articles must be less than 30 days old so I got some really old ones.


1st: "Poverty is Poison" Feb 18th 2008 by Paul Krugman

What this article is about is the compiled opinion that poverty itself is unhealthy for developing children (not all that suprising but still interesting) and that after several terms of republican presidents repealling LBJ's war on poverty actions the rates for poverty among children has almost doubled. The thing is that children in poverty, in addition to poorer nutrition also have unhealthy levels of stress garnered mostly from their parents reactions their situations that cause impaired neural development, stunting both the child's ability to develope their language skills and also to memorize data. This is coupled that fact that children who grew up in poverty are less likely to graduate college than those who did not regardless of how they did at lower levels of school, perpetuates a cycle of poverty that creates toxic conditions for successful development.


2nd "The High Cost of Poverty" May 18th 2009 by DeNeen L. Brown

"The poorer you are, the more things cost. More in money, time, hassle, exhaustion, menace." The High Cost of Poverty deals with the fact that being poor is basically expensive. Due to the lack of options in poorer neighborhoods, most low income families are forced to shop at the local corner store where the cost of doing business is higher and as such the cost of products are higher. If a family has no car  can can't pay the membership dues for places like Costco them they have no choice to spend more to get less; less selection, less quantity, and less quality.

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